I'm hurt. My tears keep dropping.
No one understand what I'm thinking about.
I couldn't find it in my dictionary. I think it has disappeared.
For the very first time , first morning , I feel myself so weak.
I cant fly :'(
Behind my smile , there are many tears.
Can you see it?
I always bring hapiness to others , this time I wan some of them.
Can anyone of you gimme?
Assignments , organisation stuff all come to me at once , I can handle.
He comes to me , I turned myself from strong to weak.
This shouldn't happen.
他的輕狂留在 某一節車廂
地下鐵裡的風 比回憶還重
對他唯一遺憾 是分手那天
我奔騰的眼淚 都停不下來
若那一刻重來 我不哭
我愛他 轟轟烈烈最瘋狂我 的夢 狠狠碎過卻不會忘曾為他 相信明天就是未來情節有多壞 都不肯醒來我愛他 跌跌撞撞到絕望我的心 深深傷過卻不會忘我和他 不再屬於這個地方最初的天堂 最終的荒唐
如果還有遺憾 又怎麼樣呢
傷了痛了懂 了 就能好了嗎
我愛他 轟轟烈烈最瘋狂
我 的夢 狠狠碎過卻不會忘
逃 不開 愛越深越互相傷害
越深的依賴 越多的空白 該怎麼去愛
如果還有遺憾 是分手那天
我奔騰的眼淚 都停不下來
若那一刻重來 我不哭
is me?