Wednesday, March 16, 2011

hohhohohohohho! is Wednesday! Tomorrow is Thursday. 
Gonna spend my morning attend to USM HIV/AIDS workshop!

Look at the pics above , taken during WUS expo!
My team sold the clothes which wont be outdated and we follow the trend! :)
We got stock from Sungai Ujong in Penang which located near to Prangin Mall nia.
Thanks to my groupmate Jayslyn who fetch me and we did get a good retailer after asked so many shops around there.
We took 28clothes and 20 out of 28 have been sold out!
One word : UNTUNG!

During this WUS expo , I think whole group learnt the skill of how to negotiate with customers!
There were lotsa customers trying their best to get low price and we also trying our best to give them an affordable price. 
Besides this , conflicts sure happen during work. This cant be avoided , what we do is try to tolerate but some just cant contribute and understand. What can we do?
Hope they know the mistake and this doesnt mean blaming but we try to improve ourselves together!
Do not comment when you dont even wanna contribute to groups. This is the weakness I see and hope there's some improvement will be done. 
No offense against who but really must know our own weakness because your strengths might be your weakness sometimes.
